RIHC Bylaws

Radnor Ice Hockey Club By-Laws

Adopted January 29, 2013

Amended May 3, 2022


Article 1- Name

  1. The Club’s name as incorporated is the Radnor Ice Hockey Club and may be referred to hereafter as the Radnor Ice Hockey Club.
  2. There is no corporate seal for the Radnor Ice Hockey Club.


Article 2 – Government

  1. The government of the Radnor Ice Hockey Club shall be under the supervision of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall consist of five officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Registrar) the six coordinators (High School Boys, High School Girls, Middle School, Elementary, Learn to Skate, Fundraiser, and Equipment) and shall be hear-after referred to as the Board. The President does not vote unless the vote is required to break a tie.

2) The primary duties of the Board include establishing all policy related to the operation of the Radnor Ice Hockey Club and enforcing the Club’s Rules and regulations.

3) The Secretary, Fundraiser, and Equipment Manager shall be elected in odd number ending years in March or April, following the end of the season. Once Board is seated, in odd number ending years, a President will be elected. The Vice President and Registrar shall be elected in even number ending years in March or April, following the end of each season. The Treasurer and Coordinators will be appointed positions by the President with Board approval and will not be elected positions.

4) The term of office is two years, July to June (fiscal year). Any person can succeed him/herself in his/her office indefinitely, if re-elected by the Board. Incoming Officers shall be members of the current Board and shall have a child currently or had a child that has played in the immediate past five years for the Radnor Ice Hockey Club, unless otherwise approved by the majority of board vote. If appointed during any portion of a current term appointee will fulfill the remaining portion of that term.

5) The President shall appoint a nominating committee from the Board in February of each year, to identify club members willing to serve on the Board for the following term of office. The committee will report to the board for discussion of nominations within 90 days.

6) Should any board member relinquish his/her position during the year, the President shall appoint a replacement with the final approval from the majority of the Board.

7) Unless otherwise noted, all Board votes require a majority vote. However, two-thirds of the then filled Board positions are required to modify By-laws, approve annual budget, and the hiring and firing of coaches.

8) Any Officer or Director may be removed from the Board for good and sufficient reason by a majority vote of the Board.

9) Any disciplinary action, in relation but not limited to board, coaches, players, and parents will be recommended by the President to be approved by the board for majority vote.

10) There shall be a Communications Committee, chaired by the Secretary, and made up of the coordinators or their designees. The committee will meet as directed by the secretary. The purpose of the committee is to pass information between the Board and the general membership. Minutes of the meeting will be presented to the Board in writing and will be incorporated into the monthly Board record.

11) All officers and coordinators will notify the Board of Directors of any monetary conflicts of interest involving the Board member or their household family members. Unless approved by a majority of the Officers and Directors, the Radnor Ice Hockey Club will not transact any business transactions with the Officers and coordinators or their companies or family members.

12) When a Board member performs services to the benefit of the club and when such services are outside the scope of their responsibilities as a Board member, he/she may be compensated at a fair market rate if approved by a majority vote of the Board.

Article 3 – Membership

  1. A member is anyone serving on the board, or in any capacity approved by the Board, or parent/guardian of a child participating in any club program and is in good standing. Membership rights are extended to either parents or legal guardians of registers players in the Radnor Ice Hockey Club who are in good standing with the Club. Membership rights may be denied if a member is under suspension or any moneys are owed the club.
  2. No member shall be allowed to serve for any Board position who is not in good standing with club.
  1. A member (player/family) in good standing has all dues and fees paid and is under no disciplinary action.
  1. Failure by a member to abide by the Club’s Rules and Regulations can result in suspension or expulsion by a majority vote of the board.
  2. The League and USA Hockey rules on Parent and Spectator Conduct apply to all members.

Article 4 – Board and Club Meetings

The Board shall meet monthly during the season (October through March) and as set by the President at other times of the year. A minimum of five Board members constitute a quorum, the president, or vice president acting as the president is required to hold a Board meeting. Annual meetings of the general membership will be held at a time determined by the board.

Article 5 – Board of Director Responsibilities


  • Responsible for all aspects of player and club development
  • Schedules and presides over Board meetings
  • Prepares yearly player projections with Registrar and Coordinators for Board review and approval.
  • Interfaces with rink managers
  • Negotiates rink contracts for Board approval
  • Recommends policy in areas not covered by by-laws with board approval.
  • Monitors suspension of players and coaches
  • Ensures club rules and regulations are enforced.
  • Assigns additional responsibilities to board members, in addition to those identified in these by-laws
  • Prepares annual budget, with the treasurer, for board review and approval
  • Nominates all board positions for board approval
  • Attend Inter-County Board Meetings
  • Acts as primary liaison with RTSD

Vice President:

  • Assumes Presidents responsibilities in his/her absence
  • Works with Registrar to ensure that all league and USA Hockey rosters are correct and completed by the due date.
  • Monitors and enforces all players and coach’s suspensions.
  • Identify candidates for coordinators and chair the Nominations Committee
  • Coordinate Club Level activities as needed.


  • Prepares the annual budget for board approval
  • Deposits all incoming monies in the club’s account
  • Monitors and pays all club bills
  • Files or cause to be filed the clubs annual tax return
  • Prepares financial statements for board review
  • Reviews and updates club insurance policy


  • Prepares agenda for board meetings
  • Prepares reminders for hockey registration and physicals
  • Takes minutes of all board and general membership meetings
  • Responsible for official club correspondence
  • Organizes and chairs monthly coordinator meetings
  • Coordinates team pictures for club
  • Substitute league representative
  • Publishes club newsletter and maintains website
  • Chairs communication committee


  • Manages registration process, develops registration schedules and communicates to membership.
  • Conducts pre-registration
  • Maintains a file of all required documents
  • Prepares player projections and new applications
  • Handles all new player registration inquires.


  • Recommends vendors for all team jerseys, equipment, medical kits, and supplies
  • Projects future equipment/jersey needs for board review
  • Recommends vendors for resale items, patches, pins, etc. as necessary
  • Establishes cut-off dates for team jersey purchases by club members with board approval
  • Maintain an accurate inventory of items


  • Recommend team Coaches to board for approval
  • Responsible for verifying that all coaches are USA Hockey certified and at appropriate certification level for team coaching
  • Monitors coach’s attendance at league meetings.
  • Ensures that coaches follow club rules and regulations
  • Oversees yearly tryouts as applicable
  • Interfaces with club coaches with conflicts arise.
  • Drives participation in program at a specific level.
  • Coordinates all events/activities at specific level


  • Coordinates all fundraising activities
  • Identifies and solicits team sponsors
  • Actively recruits corporate donations

Article 6- Powers of the Board

  1. To establish policy for the Club and ensure that it is enforced
  2. To formulate, alter, and amend the by-laws and rules and regulations of the club, consistent with the stated purpose of the club per its incorporation.
  3. To establish and collect the fees and funds of the club and direct the expenditure of money.
  4. To establish and publicize to the membership the operating plan for the upcoming season.
  5. To take disciplinary action against any player or parent for inappropriate behavior or who willfully violates rules and regulations of the club, league, or USA Hockey.
  6. To approve annually all coaches.
  7. To approve annually external accountant for filing of tax return.

Article 7 Corporate Status:

The Radnor Ice Hockey Club is a non-profit association of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and it shall operate in perpetuity.

Said association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to association that qualify as exempt association under section 501© (3) of the Internal Revenue code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

No part of the net earnings of the association shall insure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustee, officers, or other private persons, except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purposed clause hereof.

No substantial part of the activities of the association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the association shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an association exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Upon the dissolution of the association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes with the meaning of section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for the public purposes as described in article 3. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the courts of the county which the principal office of Radnor Ice Hockey Club is then located exclusively for such purpose or to such association or associations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.