RIHC Tuition 2023/2024
We are excited to announce Registration for the 2023-24 Season Is Open!
We have moved the RIHC registration platform to TeamSnap to make the registration process fast and convenient for our families.
If you would like information on how to join the Radnor Ice Hockey Club for the 2023-24 season, please email Tim Brown (Club President.)
Tuition For 2023-24 Season
Looking to make a payment? Click here to go to TeamSnap!
The RIHC Board of Directors at the June 2023 meeting, set the tuition for the 2023-2024 year:
- High School Boys: $1,700.00
- V - 18 - 22 games / 28 - 32 Practices
- JV - 14 - 18 games / 28 - 32 Practices
- High School Girls: $1,100.00
- V - 16 - 20 games / 14 - 16 Practices
- JV - 2 - 6 games
- Middle School: $900.00
- 14 - 18 games / 15- 22 Practices
- Elementary: $675.00
A discount will be offered to families with 3 or more players in the club. The discount will be applied to the tuition fee and is not applicable to goalies.
A separate discount will be offered to goalies after registration is confirmed.
2023-24 Season Payment Schedule
Looking to make a payment? Click here to go to TeamSnap!
By default, automatic credit card payments will be setup. A one-time payment option is also available. The schedule of automatic payment is listed below by team: